Monday, 4 July 2016

Winter Wishes

I love spending time with white paper and pencils and paints.
Often I have no idea what to make.
And the white paper will stare back at me blankly.
And then other times, it is simple things, like the view outside my windows
giving me little ideas.

This little lady came to me when it was snowing outside.
It was snowing a lot.
Definitely my favourite season.

And after I finished her, I thought that perhaps I should make a painting
of her with every Season?
I might. Perhaps I will sit with some white paper again soon.
And just let it happen.


  1. she is darling and I know she will look sweet in every season......please continue ...

  2. Entirely charming. I enjoyed seeing the stages and hearing how things come to you, quite similar as when i do art.

  3. What a lovely drawing and as always I love your lettering.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. Thank you Parsnip! It feels good to get going again :)


Thanks ever so much for sharing your thoughts!