Monday, 4 November 2013

Windy weather

It is that windy weather kind of day. Where the clouds have a certain edge, and there seems to be a storm brewing right above the ocean. My kind of day. It makes my Northern soul happy. I am loving the seasons and coming home after having been wind swept along the way. Fingers slightly purple, unable to hold your cup and wanting a slice of toast with marmalade! Yep, that would be me. 
Being a coastal kind of person, the sea makes me happy.
Oooh there goes another seagull.... x


  1. I think being by the sea calms ones whole being!

    Love the new banner!:)

  2. Yes, I love the sea also. But was born and raised on the plains so here I'll stay. Our seasons are all beautiful but winter is my favorite...there's nothing like a good blizzard.


Thanks ever so much for sharing your thoughts!