Sunday, 27 January 2013

Hip Hip

This month we celebrate four birthdays!

Ahem, mine is on the 29th of January, and a big cake will be eaten ( mine with lots of cream )
and on the 31st of January is my colourful son's birthday, a BIG 16 years old
and on exactly the same day we celebrate the birth of our twin Sebastian and Julia
born 8 years ago ( already )
I am still shocked I had my baby twin exactly on his birthday.

Needless to say we will all eat a LOT of cake
and February will be a month of fasting :)

Hip hip hurray to us all!
I love you all!


  1. Birthday wishes all around for your family! But an especially happy & smiley birthday for you! I hope you have a relaxing day with many cups of coffee & cake! Kristy xx

  2. Admit it, Anna, you did that on purpose! As a wise mother you thought it would be smart to eat the left overs from your birthday on your son´s birthday the 31st and because that worked so well, you managed to squeeze in two other birthdays the same day. Now that is quite economic! Four birthdays, one mess. And it gives you more time to work instead of baking umpteen cakes and decorating the house. Four in one sweep, smart cookie ;-)

  3. Happy Birthday to you all!
    At least there will be lots of cake!!

  4. I always say "let there be cake" with my birthday wishes but in your families case there will be a lot of cake and celebrating.
    Mt birthday is on the 4th ! Love the month of January.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Happy Happy Birthday to all of you! How much fun for you all to be able and celebrate together!

  6. Dearest Anna's your BIRTH-DAY
    The day you were born long ago
    The day you started your life in this world .
    When I was working as a kindergarten-teacher ( for many many years )
    I always had great respect watching the little ones in my class
    and wondering ....."what are YOU going to be in the future ?"
    So I always tried to be open for their needs .
    Did you have a happy time groing up as a child ?
    Anyway we all learned a lot from our childhood ....
    I always believed WE can learn a lot from our children and NOT the other way around ....
    When a child needs from you to change something .....because HE/SHE needs that difficult that me be .....and you try it and you try again and you struggle but you do not let go ,,,,,,
    I always believed there ....lies the magic ..... that is what your child feels and needs to grow ....and you too
    I write YOU but there can also be ME ...IN THOSE SCENTENCES
    Education is the most wonderfull thing
    where it all happens .....
    So we are very lucky to have more children and more MAGIC Anna
    Happy Happy birth day and an big HUG

  7. Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd to you all (in Dutch :), biggest slice of cake is for you and your timing :)


Thanks ever so much for sharing your thoughts!